As summer approaches in New York City, people are finding all sorts of ways to enjoy the sunshine and warm air.

Some are hosting rooftop parties; others are walking around the city’s wondrous garbage-filled streets. Also, one couple just started banging in Battery Park.


NYC <3

♬ original sound - canasia’s bookshelf 

Covered by nothing more than a thin blanket, this couple decided that one of New York’s fine parks was the perfect venue to take each other to pound town. Unfortunately for them, they weren’t alone — in fact, not only were there numerous people in the area, but some of them even had the audacity to film the freak sesh in the densely-filled park. How dare they!

@girlsorwomen only in new york #newyorkcity ♬ Dolce Nonna - Wayne Jones & Amy Hayashi-Jones

It’s like we’re in Europe!

This doesn’t need to be said, but you’re not supposed to have sex in public in the ol’ US of A. In the state of New York, this crime is called “public lewdness” and can be penalized with a fine and jail time or probation, says the Law Firm of Gianni Karmily.

@selwrd the blanket couple #fyp ♬ Dolce Nonna - Wayne Jones & Amy Hayashi-Jones

As of right now, the couple hasn’t been identified, even though their faces were clearly visible from multiple angles. Maybe New Yorkers don’t care that much, or maybe the New York police have other things to worry about — like beating their Candy Crush high score.